Frequency (kHz): Sets the frequency, or the number of times an event repeats, or number of vibrations produced by a signal or sound, in a given period. Frequency is measured in Hz. One Hertz is one cycle per second. In Blaze Media Pro, the settings are listed in kHz, or kilohertz.

Channels: Selects a channel, such as mono or stereo. A stereo signal consists of two separate audio channels, while a mono signal has one. A single audio data file may contain information for one, two, or in some cases, more audio channels. This means that stereo produces better quality sound.

WMA Output Settings:

Use CBR: CBR is a constant bitrate used for encoding sound or video. It requires more storage space than other methods.
Use VBR: VBR is a variable bitrate for encoding sound or video. It provides a high quality with less storage space than other methods.